How to efficiently write a Compare and Contrast Essay

Compare and contrast essay is the common kind of academic assignments with its unique peculiarities. Even if you are great with the spot comparisons, learn more about essay’s structure and requirements before set to writing. A lot of college students among others therefore come across such essays which they are expected to write perfectly.

What is Comparison and Contrast Essay?

It is the essay in which the student reveals the similarities and differences between two or more things and reinforces his or her findings by arguments.

  1. Develop an Argument for the Paper  

Before you start a writing process, you brainstorm your topic and find some outstanding characteristics of two objects. Those things have to be contrasting enough to be compared. The title of your future essay may sound like “Apple vs. Microsoft” or “Differences and similarities in ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian myth”.

In practice, do not forget to write down the features you found meaningful on the paper. Every thought can be important, so note everything that comes to mind and move on to the next step.

  1. Create the Compare and Contrast Essay Structure

It follows the standard template for all essays is a basic scheme Introduction – Main Body – Conclusion. In the introduction, you form a thesis of your essay and present the subject of a further discussion to your audience. This part must be compelling enough to motivate people to read the main body. Therefore, you need to create a hook at the beginning of your article. This can be:


  • Bold claim.
  • Interesting fact,
  • Joke or anecdote,
  • Personal experience,



  1. Consider the Essentials of Compare and Contrast Essay Format

The main body of a compare and contrast essay can be organized into three methods including:

 Point by point method

The main purpose of this method is an evaluation criterion. For instance, you can assess Microsoft and Apple by innovations, cost of their software or the popularity of key products.

Topic by topic method

You start with describing one object and allocate its distinguishing points in the beginning. After that, you turn to the second thing and write down everything you know about it in the last paragraphs. This layout is considered to be smooth and understandable

 Common and different separately

Here you organize your essay in the format “start with the comparison, end with contrast.” The order may be reversed if you want to emphasize the common features instead of differences.

  1. Outline the Paper

Once you create the outline, the paper will compose itself alone. There are various useful techniques – family tree, rough draft, schemes, and tables.  Outlines mean planning the structure, sketching the approximate variant of essay and organizing of main points in a particular order – the actions which make writing simpler.

  1. Use Graphical Elements

Dilute the text with images, graphics, tables, diagrams and other elements. However, it is possible only if you type the assignment on your PC. On the lesson you should present the information in an interesting way without any pictures, so structure, hooks, and indisputable points are your best friends.